LS 404
(Life Sketches of Ellen G. White 404)
“It was some time before we found these places. First we secured the Paradise Valley Sanitarium, near San Diego. A few months later, in the good providence of God, the Glendale property came to the notice of our people, and was purchased and fitted up for service. But light came that our work of establishing sanitariums in southern California was not complete; and on several different occasions testimonies were given that medical missionary work must be done somewhere in the vicinity of Redlands.” (LS 404.1) MC VC
“In an article published in the Review of April 6, 1905, I wrote:” (LS 404.2) MC VC
‘On our way back to Redlands, as our train passed through miles of orange groves, I thought of the efforts that should be made in this beautiful valley to proclaim the truth for this time. I recognized this section of southern California as one of the places that had been presented to me with the word that it should have a fully equipped sanitarium.’ (LS 404.3) MC VC
‘Why have such fields as Redlands and Riverside been left almost unworked? ... The Lord would have brave, earnest men and women take up His work in these places. The cause of God is to make more rapid advancement in southern California than it has in the past. Every year thousands of people visit southern California in search of health, and by various methods we should seek to reach them with the truth. They must hear the warning to prepare for the great day of the Lord, which is right upon us.... Workers who can speak to the multitudes are to be located where they can meet the people, and give them the warning message.... Let them be quick to seize opportunities to place present truth before those who know it not. Let them give the message with clearness and power, that those who have ears to hear may hear.’ (LS 404.4) MC VC