9T 169
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 9 169)
The Lord speaks to all medical missionaries, saying: Go, work today in My vineyard to save souls. God hears the prayers of all who seek Him in truth. He has the power that we all need. He fills the heart with love, and joy, and peace, and holiness. Character is constantly being developed. We cannot afford to spend the time working at cross-purposes with God. (9T 169.1) MC VC
There are physicians who, because of a past connection with our sanitariums, find it profitable to locate close to these institutions; and they close their eyes to the great field, neglected and unworked, in which unselfish labor would be a blessing to many. Missionary physicians can exert an uplifting, refining, sanctifying influence. Physicians who do not do this abuse their power and do a work that the Lord repudiates. (9T 169.2) MC VC
The Training of Workers VC
If ever the Lord has spoken by me, He speaks when I say that the workers engaged in educational lines, in ministerial lines, and in medical missionary lines must stand as a unit, all laboring under the supervision of God, one helping the other, each blessing each. (9T 169.3) MC VC