Ev 513
(Evangelism 513)
Section 16—Medical Evangelism (Ev 513) MC VC
[See pages 657-665 for counsel to the evangelist regarding his personal relationship to health reform.] (Ev 513) MC VC
An Entering Wedge VC
Opening Doors for Evangelism—Nothing will open doors for the truth like evangelistic medical missionary work. This will find access to hearts and minds, and will be a means of converting many to the truth. (Ev 513.1) MC VC
The evangelist who is prepared to minister to a diseased body is given the grandest opportunity of ministering to the sinsick soul. Such an evangelist should be empowered to administer baptism to those who are converted and desire baptism.... Medical missionary work is the right, helping hand of the gospel, to open doors for the proclamation of the message.... (Ev 513.2) MC VC
Doors that have been closed to him who merely preaches the gospel will be opened to the intelligent medical missionary. God reaches hearts through the relief of physical suffering.—Manuscript 58, 1901. (Ev 513.3) MC VC
The Great Entering Wedge—I can see in the Lord’s providence that the medical missionary work is to be a great entering wedge, whereby the diseased soul may be reached.—Counsels on Health, 535 (1893). (Ev 513.4) MC VC
It Removes Prejudice—Medical missionary work is the pioneer work of the gospel, the door through which the truth for this time is to find entrance to many homes.... A demonstration of the principles of health reform will do much toward removing prejudice against our evangelical work. The Great Physician, the originator of medical missionary work, will bless all who thus seek to impart the truth for this time.—Counsels on Health, 497 (1902). (Ev 513.5) MC VC