WM 325-6
(Welfare Ministry 325-6)
April 21, Thursday—Work on a rug. Write a letter to Daniel Bourdeau. This morning there is a feeling of sympathy among certain of the flock for Brother Benedict’s family. We have contributed a mite for their relief, about seven dollars. Purchased them different things to eat, and carry it to them. Brother and Sister Benedict visited us all day. Had a very interesting and pleasant interview. My mother came to see me, which was a great comfort to me. (WM 325.1) MC VC
Welfare Ministry Through the Years VC
E. G. White Calls for Help—Dear Brethren and Sisters: The treasury in the Poor Fund, consisting of clothes, et cetera, for those in need, is nearly exhausted. And as there are cases of destitution continually arising, and one new one has arisen recently, I thought it would be well for those who have clothing, bedding, or money to spare to send it on here immediately. We hope there will be no delay, for we are going to assist some that are needy as soon as we get things together. Send your donations to Sr. Uriah Smith or myself.—The Review and Herald, October 30, 1860. (WM 325.2) MC VC
James and Ellen White Combine Prayer and Labor—Before there were any sanitariums among us, my husband and I began work in medical missionary lines. We would bring to our house cases that had been given up by the physicians to die. When we knew not what to do for them we would pray to God most earnestly, and He always sent His blessing. He is the mighty Healer, and He worked with us. We never had time or opportunity to take a medical course, but we had success as we moved out in the fear of God and sought Him for wisdom at every step. This gave us courage in the Lord. (WM 325.3) MC VC
Thus we combined prayer and labor. We used the simple water treatments, and then tried to fasten the eyes of the patients on the Great Healer. We told them what He could do for them. If we can inspire the patients with hope, this is greatly to their advantage. We want all that have any part to act in our sanitariums to have a firm grasp on the power of the Infinite. We believe in Him and in the power of His word. When we do our best for the recovery of the sick, we may then look for Him to be with us, that we may see of His salvation. We put too little confidence in the power of the hand that rules the world.—Manuscript 49, 1908. (WM 326.1) MC VC
In House-to House Ministry—Before our sanitarium there was established my husband and I went from house to house to give treatment. Under God’s blessing we saved the lives of many who were suffering.—Letter 45, 1903. (WM 326.2) MC VC
Interest in a Needy Widow—In regard to Nellie L., you know she is a widow with the care of three children, and she is struggling to obtain knowledge that she may engage in the kindergarten work, where she can keep her children with her. Let us not see the poor soul struggle for her life and sacrifice her health to do this. I have thought of the liberal donations that have been made to individuals who have married at Oakland. Would that these friends might use their means and express their sympathies to bless the widow and the fatherless that are deserving of their attention and substantial sympathy. Have not such cases claims upon us? (WM 326.3) MC VC
I will help Nellie one hundred dollars if you will do the same. Two hundred dollars would be a great blessing to her just now. Will you do this for Christ’s sake? Will you encourage others to help her to get a start in life? It would be far better to do this than to wait and let Nellie be worn out with anxiety and care and fall in the struggle, leaving her children helpless, motherless, to be cared for by others. (WM 326.4) MC VC