MM 23
(Medical Ministry 23)
Disciples of Christ to Represent His Character VC
The Saviour lived on this earth a life that love for God will constrain every true believer in Christ to live. Following His example, in our medical missionary work we shall reveal to the world that our credentials are from above, that as representatives of the kingdom of heaven we are fulfilling the words of the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy kingdom come.” Matthew 6:10; Luke 11:2. United with Christ in God, we shall reveal to the world that as God chose His Son to be His representative on the earth, even so has Christ chosen us to represent His character. Everyone who has genuine faith in Christ Jesus will represent Him in character ∙∙∙ . (MM 23.1) MC VC
To Heights of Faith VC
Our medical missionary workers must rise to heights that can be reached only by a living, working faith. At this time in our history the men at the head of the work are to allow no confusion of sentiment to prevail in regard to what should really be expected of medical missionaries sent of God. There should be a more clear, definite understanding of what medical missionary work comprehends. It must be defined as standing on an altogether higher plane, and as accomplishing results of a much more sanctified order, before God can endorse it as genuine. Those who desire to honor God will not mingle worldly policy plans with His plans in attempting to accomplish the results that this work is ordained of God to accomplish.... (MM 23.2) MC VC