CT 521
(Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 521)
No one man, whether a teacher, a physician, or a minister, can ever hope to be a complete whole. God has given to every man certain gifts and has ordained that men be associated in His service in order that the varied talents of many minds may be blended. The contact of mind with mind tends to quicken thought and increase the capabilities. The deficiencies of one laborer are often made up by the special gifts of another; and as physicians and teachers thus associated unite in imparting their knowledge, the youth under their training will receive a symmetrical, well-balanced education for service. (CT 521.1) MC VC
The Benefit to the Patients VC
The benefits of hearty co-operation extend beyond physicians and teachers, students and sanitarium helpers. When a sanitarium is built near a school, those in charge of the educational institution have a grand opportunity of setting a right example before those who all through life have been easygoing idlers and who have come to the sanitarium for treatment. The patients will see the contrast between their idle, self-indulgent lives and the lives of self-denial and service lived by Christ’s followers. They will learn that the object of medical missionary work is to restore, to correct wrongs, to show human beings how to avoid the self-indulgence that brings disease and death. (CT 521.2) MC VC
The words and action of the workers in the sanitarium and in the school should plainly reveal that life is an intensely solemn thing in view of the account which all must render to God. Each one should now put his talents out to the exchangers, adding to the Master’s gift, blessing others with the blessings given him. (CT 521.3) MC VC