MM 76
(Medical Ministry 76)
We are to seek for students who will plow deep into the word of God, and who will conform the life practice to the truths of the word. Let the education given be such as will qualify consecrated young men and young women to go forth in harmony with the great commission.... (MM 76.1) MC VC
Physicians are to receive their education here. Here they are to receive such a mold that when they go out to labor, they will not seek to grasp the very highest wages or else do nothing.—Talk given by E. G. W., Oct. 30, 1907. Manuscript 151, 1907. (MM 76.2) MC VC
Who Should Apply VC
Only those whose hearts are filled with the love of God and who reveal that Christ has given them His grace to adorn their office work as missionaries for Him, should make application to engage in medical missionary work. Those who take up this line of missionary effort should look upon their work as a high and holy calling. This work is committed to them as a sacred trust; and wherever they may be, the Lord expects them to reveal the excellency of their mission.—Letter 186, 1903. (MM 76.3) MC VC
Students Should Have Moral Strength VC
In almost every church there are young men and women who might receive education either as nurses or physicians.... I would urge that this subject be considered prayerfully, that special effort be made to select those youth who give promise of usefulness and moral strength.— Counsels on Health, 506-507 (MM 76.4) MC VC
Strength of Character Essential VC
Many of the young men who present themselves as being desirous of being educated as physicians have not those traits of character which will enable them to withstand the temptations so common to the work of a physician. Only those should be accepted who give promise of becoming qualified for the great work of imparting the principles of true health reform.— Letters from Ellen G. White to Sanitarium Workers, No. 15, 21. (MM 76.5) MC VC
Amenable to Authority VC
The first appearance of irregularity in conduct should be repressed, and the young should be taught to be frank, yet modest and dignified in all their associations. They should be taught to respect just rules of authority. If they refuse to do this, let them be dismissed, whatever position they occupy, or they will demoralize others.— Selections from the Testimonies for Students and Workers of our Sanitariums, No. 16, 3. (MM 76.6) MC VC