TM 396-7
(Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers 396-7)
Awakening Influence of the Holy Spirit VC
The divine Spirit reveals its working on the human heart. When the Holy Spirit operates upon the mind, the human agent will understand the statement made by Christ, “He shall receive of Mine, and shall show it unto you.” John 16:14. Subjection to the word of God means the restoration of one’s self. Let Christ work by His Holy Spirit, and awaken you as from the dead, and carry your minds along with His. Let Him employ your faculties. He has created your every capability that you may better honor and glorify His name. Consecrate yourself to Him, and all associated with you will see that your energies are inspired of God, that your noblest powers are called into exercise to do God’s service. The faculties once used to serve self and advance unworthy principles, once serving as members of unrighteous purposes, will be brought into captivity to Jesus Christ and become one with the will of God. (TM 396.1) MC VC
Young People to be Trained for Service VC
There is a work to be done in the churches. Young men and women must be trained and educated, and then places will be found for them in the work. You are worried and perplexed because Dr.-----is gathering in disproportionately in the medical missionary work, because his work far exceeds the work being done in the churches by the General Conference. What is the matter? It is plain that the light given by God has not been acted upon. Men have supplanted God’s plans by their own plans. The prosperity of the medical missionary work is in God’s order. This work must be done; the truth must be carried to the highways and the hedges. (TM 396.2) MC VC
A Call to Reform VC
But the heart of the work, the great center, has been enfeebled by the mismanagement of men who have not kept pace with their Leader. [See Appendix.] Satan has diverted their money and their capabilities into wrong channels. Their precious time has been passing into eternity. The earnest work that is now being done, the aggressive warfare that is being carried on, might long ago have been just as vigorously carried forward in obedience to the light of God. The whole body is sick because of mismanagement and miscalculation. The people to whom God has entrusted eternal interests, the depositaries of truth pregnant with eternal results, the keepers of light that is to illuminate the whole world, have lost their bearings. Has God made a mistake? Are those at the heart of the work chosen vessels that can receive the golden oil, which the heavenly messengers, represented as two olive trees, empty into the golden tubes to replenish the lamps? Are those in Battle Creek, the men and women that God has appointed to do the most solemn work ever given to mortals, in partnership with Jesus Christ in His great firm? Are those whom He has bidden to communicate the light from the burning lamps to others, that the regions of darkness may have opportunity to hear the saving message, doing their duty? ... (TM 397.1) MC VC