TMK 345.4
(That I May Know Him 345.4)
Do not give to the world the impression that Christ has proved to you without form and comeliness ... and that there is no beauty in Him that you should desire Him. Reveal Christ as He is—the one “altogether lovely” and the “chiefest among ten thousand” (Song of Solomon 5:16, 10). O how His glory is dimmed by His professed followers because they are earthly-minded, disobedient, unthankful, and unholy! How shamefully is the Lord Jesus kept in the background! How is His mercy, His forbearance, His long-suffering, and His matchless love veiled, and His honor beclouded by the perversity of His professed followers! ... Lift up Jesus. Talk of His love, tell of His power, and let self be lost behind the glory of His person and the mighty power of the cross of Calvary. (TMK 345.4) MC VC