TDG 55.4
(This Day With God 55.4)
The Lord’s work is earnest and decided, above deceit and hypocrisy. His true shepherds will not praise and exalt man. They will come before the people with a plain “Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel.” They will bear His message, whether men will hear or whether they will forbear. If men despise God’s Word, and trust in oppression, hypocrisy, and worldliness, they must declare against them God’s denunciations, that, if possible, they may be aroused to repentance. If they are too proud to repent and confess their errors, to turn to God, welcoming His salvation and seeking His favor, the Lord will remove His light from them and will leave them to walk in the way they have chosen. (TDG 55.4) MC VC