VSS 269
(The Voice in Speech and Song 269)
Chapter 46—Anecdotes and Humor VC
Levity Inappropriate—The minister of God is not to speak words which will create levity. We have been bought with the price of a great sacrifice, even the sacrifice of God’s only begotten Son.—Manuscript 19, 1910. (VSS 269.1) MC VC
No Light, Trifling Words—The minister of the gospel who is a laborer together with God, will learn daily in the school of Christ ∙∙∙ .No light, trifling words will fall from his lips; for is he not an ambassador for Christ, bearing a divine message to perishing souls? All jesting and joking, all lightness and trifling, is painful to the cross-bearing disciple of Christ.—Evangelism, 206, 207. (VSS 269.2) MC VC
Conversation in Heaven—All lightness and trifling is positively forbidden in the Word of God. His conversation should be in heaven, his words seasoned with grace.—Testimonies for the Church 2:338. (VSS 269.3) MC VC
A Worthy Example for Youth—Ministers should set the youth a worthy example, one corresponding to their holy calling ∙∙∙ . They are to put away all coarseness, all trifling, ever remembering that they are educators; that, whether they will or not, their words and acts are to those with whom they come in contact a savor of life or of death.—Gospel Workers, 126. (VSS 269.4) MC VC