VSS 304
(The Voice in Speech and Song 304)
Constant Growth in Grace—Unless there is constant growth in grace, we shall be wanting in words suitable for the occasion. The reason so many of our ministers preach tame, lifeless discourses is that they allow a variety of things of a worldly nature to take their time and attention. Commune with your own heart and then commune with God. Unless you do this, your efforts will be fruitless, made Christless by the unsanctified hurry and confusion of worldly things.—Manuscript 101, 1902. (VSS 304.1) MC VC
Preaching and Practicing—At this period of time every minister of Christ is to heed the charge Paul gave to Timothy, “Take heed unto thyself,” to your character, your words, your conduct, “and unto the doctrine” [1 Timothy 4:16]. The minister must practice the doctrine he preaches, else he needs that someone should teach him the first principles of pure doctrine ∙∙∙ . (VSS 304.2) MC VC
The Lord has given me a message for you. Ministers of the gospel must keep self in continual subjection to Christ. But in your present state of mind you are not subject to the will or control of God. Self, poor, sick self, is revealed on every hand. When self dies, the peace of Christ will take possession of the soul. As long as you are a minister of the gospel, you are under the most solemn obligation to God to be wise, not in your own conceit, but wise in the wisdom of God. (VSS 304.3) MC VC
Every day hereditary tendencies to wrong will strive for the mastery. Every day you are to war against your objectionable traits of character, until there are left in you none of those things which need to be separated from you. Then you will think candidly and wisely how to take yourself to the Lord. You will foresee the evils which will come, unless you change by avoiding the cause which produces the effect. (VSS 304.4) MC VC