VSS 284.2
(The Voice in Speech and Song 284.2)
The messengers of God are to deliver the last, solemn, testing message of mercy to a fallen world. If the minister exhibits himself, he interposes himself between the message and the people. If he educates himself to present the truth in a certain manner, he can make his work of no effect, and leave it so that it will ravel out. This is because the Holy Spirit does not work with his efforts. The people are encouraged to look to him and to exalt him, and Jesus is not the one who is seen, but [rather] the man [who] steps into the place of the crucified and risen Saviour. The minister may preach a discourse which will go clear above the people into the clouds and stars, but leave no lasting impression upon the hearts of his hearers. Unless conviction is fastened on a heart, then time and means are expended to no effect. Of what value is it that the people think much of the minister, when they do not have a regard for saving, testing truth? (VSS 284.2) MC VC