TSB 173
(Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce 173)
In the last vision given me, the great white throne was presented before me, with the Judge of all the earth to pass sentence upon the congregated multitude. The ledger of heaven was opened, and those about the throne were judged according to the deeds done in the body. (TSB 173.1) MC VC
Your name was registered as weighed in the balance and found wanting. Your name was registered as a transgressor of the commandments of God. (TSB 173.2) MC VC
Opportunity to Redeem the Past—God in His great mercy gave you opportunity to redeem the past. When you had shown repentance He pitied you.... You were placed in a good field of labor, and had you conducted yourself as a Christian should, you might then have had that repentance that needeth not to be repented of. (TSB 173.3) MC VC
You were, for a time, humble and thankful, but your heart had so long been given up to perversity and to self-indulgence, that you could not see and sense your past course as so very offensive to God. Like Peter, you had been faithfully warned of your danger and of your defection of character; but you were self-confident and became jealous and acted like a spoiled child.... (TSB 173.4) MC VC
God’s Rejection of Ministerial Labor—After God had borne so long with your perversity, while you were professing to be a shepherd of the flock, you were granted another trial in answer to our sorrowful petitions in your behalf. The Lord opened the way before you. We felt very sad for you; and when we saw how the matter resulted, we felt worse than before. (TSB 173.5) MC VC