FW 16.1
(Faith and Works 16.1)
Unconverted men have stood in the pulpits sermonizing. Their own hearts have never experienced, through a living, clinging, trusting faith, the sweet evidence of the forgiveness of their sins. How, then, can they preach the love, the sympathy, the forgiveness of God for all sins? How can they say, “Look and live”? Looking at the cross of Calvary, you will have a desire to bear the cross. A world’s Redeemer hung upon the cross of Calvary. Behold the Saviour of the world, in whom dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Can any look and behold the sacrifice of God’s dear Son, and their hearts not be melted and broken, ready to surrender to God heart and soul? (FW 16.1) MC VC