TSB 206.0
(Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce 206.0)
The sacred is brought down and so interwoven with lust and impure, unholy practices that the victim is confused, and the soul temple becomes a sink of iniquity. At first the unsuspecting only listen; they receive the liberties of preference shown them; then the education goes on until “as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks” (Proverbs 7:22), they follow in the steps of the tempter and go fully as far as he would lead them.—Letter 82, 1886. (TSB 206.1) MC VC
Chapter 30—Ellen White’s Assistants VC
To W. F. C., September 6, 1895 [Both Brother W. F. C. and Fannie Y were employees of Ellen White, first at Melbourne, and later at Cooranbong, New South Wales. In 1895 Mrs. White and her staff were living and working in tents while Sunnyside, the permanent residence, was being built.]—This morning as I came from the school ground I saw your horse fastened to a tree before the tent occupied by Fannie Y. After a while I went to the tent. A lady from Newcastle and Jessie Israel were visiting Fannie. You were sitting down, writing on the typewriter. Why did you not take the typewriter at once into the dining tent? What impression can such a course make upon the mind of the young girl visiting at the school? It made an impression that was anything but favorable. (TSB 206.2) MC VC