VSS 311.3
(The Voice in Speech and Song 311.3)
True Example for Ministers—Will not our ministers wrestle in earnest prayer that they may have a holy unction, that they may not bring unimportant, unessential things into their labor at this important time? Let them not bring into their ministerial labors that which can be heard in any of the denominational churches. Let them ever keep before their hearers an uplifted Saviour, in order to prevent their converts from attaching themselves to the man, to bear his mold and copy his ways in their manner of conversation and conduct. The Lord has a variety of workers, who must impress the people in various lines. One man’s ways are not to be considered perfect and to be adopted exclusively in any congregation. Christ is our Example.—Manuscript 21a, 1894. (VSS 311.3) MC VC