Ev 475
(Evangelism 475)
It should be the aim of our schools to provide the best instruction and training for Bible workers. Our conferences should see that the schools are provided with teachers who are thorough Bible teachers and who have a deep Christian experience. The best ministerial talent should be brought into schools.—Manuscript 139, 1898. (Ev 475.1) MC VC
A Broad Education Including Bible Work—The Lord designs that the school should also be a place where a training may be gained in women’s work—cooking, housework, dressmaking, bookkeeping, correct reading, and pronunciation. They are to be qualified to take any post that may be offered—superintendents, Sabbath school teachers, Bible workers. They must be prepared to teach day schools for children.—Letter 3, 1898. (Ev 475.2) MC VC
Experienced Workers Not Boys and Girls—Ministerial labor cannot and should not be entrusted to boys, neither should the work of giving Bible readings be entrusted to inexperienced girls, because they offer their services and are willing to take responsible positions, but who are wanting in religious experience, without a thorough education and training. They must be proved to see if they will bear the test; and unless there is developed as firm, conscientious principle to be all that God would have them to be, they will not correctly represent our cause and work for this time. (Ev 475.3) MC VC
There must be with our sisters engaged in the work in every mission, a depth of experience, gained from those who have had an experience, and who understand the manners and ways of working. The missionary operations are constantly embarrassed for the want of workers of the right class of minds, and the devotion and piety that will correctly represent our faith.—Christian Education, 45, 46 (1894). (Ev 475.4) MC VC