AH 35
(The Adventist Home 35)
Chapter 5—A Powerful Christian Witness VC
Best Missionaries Come From Christian Homes—Missionaries for the Master are best prepared for work abroad in the Christian household, where God is feared, where God is loved, where God is worshiped, where faithfulness has become second nature, where haphazard, careless inattention to home duties is not permitted, where quiet communion with God is looked upon as essential to the faithful performance of daily duties. (AH 35.1) MC VC
Home duties should be performed with the consciousness that if they are done in the right spirit, they give an experience that will enable us to work for Christ in the most permanent and thorough manner. Oh, what might not a living Christian do in missionary lines by performing faithfully the daily duties, cheerfully lifting the cross, not neglecting any work, however disagreeable to the natural feelings! (AH 35.2) MC VC
Our work for Christ is to begin with the family, in the home.... There is no missionary field more important than this.... (AH 35.3) MC VC
By many this home field has been shamefully neglected, and it is time that divine resources and remedies were presented, that this state of evil may be corrected. (AH 35.4) MC VC
The highest duty that devolves upon youth is in their own homes, blessing father and mother, brothers and sisters, by affection and true interest. Here they can show self-denial and self-forgetfulness in caring and doing for others.... What an influence a sister may have over brothers! If she is right, she may determine the character of her brothers. Her prayers, her gentleness, and her affection may do much in a household. (AH 35.5) MC VC