CT 549
(Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 549)
From our colleges and training schools missionaries are to be sent forth to distant lands. While at school let the students improve every opportunity to prepare for this work. Here they are to be tested and proved, that it may be seen what their adaptability is and whether they have a right hold from above. If they have a living connection with heaven they will have an influence for good on those with whom they come in contact. (CT 549.1) MC VC
A Valuable Experience VC
While we were living at Cooranbong, where the Avondale school is established, the question of amusements came up for consideration. “What shall we do to provide for the amusement of our students?” the faculty inquired. We talked matters over together, and then I came before the students and said to them: (CT 549.2) MC VC
“We can occupy our minds and our time profitably without trying to devise methods for amusing ourselves. Instead of spending time in playing the games that so many students play, strive to do something for the Master.” (CT 549.3) MC VC
“The very best course for you to pursue is to engage in missionary work for the people of the neighborhood and in the nearby settlements. Whenever you are listening to an interesting discourse, take notes and mark down the passages that the minister uses, so that you can review the subject carefully. Then after faithful study you will soon be able to give a synopsis of the discourses, in the form of Bible readings, to some who do not come to our meetings.” (CT 549.4) MC VC