CT 501
(Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 501)
Our schools are to be training schools. If men and women come forth from them fitted in any sense for the missionary field, they must be led to realize the greatness of the work; practical godliness must be brought into their daily experience if they would be fitted for any place of usefulness in the cause of God.... (CT 501.1) MC VC
The School to Continue the Work of the Home VC
Those who attend our colleges are to have a training different from that given by the common schools of the day. Our youth generally, if they have wise, God-fearing parents, have been taught the principles of Christianity. The word of God has been respected in their homes, and its teachings have been made the law of life. They have been brought up in the nurture and admonition of the gospel. When they enter school, this same education and training is to continue. The world’s maxims, the world’s customs and practices, are not the teaching that they need. Let them see that the teachers in the school care for their souls, that they have a decided interest in their spiritual welfare. Religion is the great principle to be inculcated; for the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.... (CT 501.2) MC VC