3T 319
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 3 319)
Our lives are interwoven with the cause of God. We have no separate interest aside from this work. And when we see the advancement that the cause has made from a very small beginning, coming up slowly yet surely to strength and prosperity; as we see the success of the cause in which we have toiled, and suffered, and nearly sacrificed our lives, who shall prevent or forbid our boasting in God? Our experience in this cause is valuable to us. We have invested everything in it. (3T 319.1) MC VC
Moses was the meekest man that lived; yet, because of the murmurings of the children of Israel, he was repeatedly compelled to bring up their course of sin after leaving Egypt and to vindicate his course as their leader. Just before leaving Israel, when he was about to die, he rehearsed before them their course of rebellion and murmuring since they had left Egypt, and how his interest and love for them had led him to plead with God in their behalf. He related to them how he had earnestly entreated of the Lord to let him pass over Jordan into the Promised Land; “but the Lord was wroth with me for your sakes, and would not hear me.” Deuteronomy 3:26. Moses presented before them their sins, and said to them: “Ye have been rebellious against the Lord from the day that I knew you.” Deuteronomy 9:24. He related to them how many times he had pleaded with God and humbled his soul in anguish because of their sins. (3T 319.2) MC VC