FE 345
(Fundamentals of Christian Education 345)
Many in our day have had far better opportunities, enjoyed far greater privileges, for obtaining a knowledge of God, than did Moses; but his faith puts to shame their manifest unbelief. At the command of God, Moses advanced, although there was nothing ahead for his feet to tread upon. More than a million people were depending upon him, but he led them forward step by step, day by day. God permitted these lonely travels through the wilderness so that they might obtain an experience in enduring hardships, and so that when they were in peril, they might know that there was relief and deliverance in God alone, and that thus they might learn to know and to trust God, and to serve Him with a living faith. It was not the teachings of the schools of Egypt that enabled Moses to triumph over all his enemies, but an ever-abiding faith, an unflinching faith, a faith that did not fail under the most trying circumstances. (FE 345.1) MC VC