3SM 147.0
(Selected Messages Book 3 147.0)
Faith and Works in Salvation—1878—All your good works cannot save you; but it is nevertheless impossible for you to be saved without good works. Every sacrifice made for Christ will be for your eternal gain.—The Review and Herald, March 21, 1878. (3SM 147.1) MC VC
Trust in Christ Essential—1879—Christ has been loved by you, although your faith has sometimes been feeble and your prospects confused. But Jesus is your Saviour. He does not save you because you are perfect, but because you need Him and in your imperfection have trusted in Him. Jesus loves you, my precious child. You may sing, “Under the shadow of Thy throne Still may we dwell secure; Sufficient is Thine arm alone, And our defense is sure.”—Letter 46, 1879. (3SM 147.2) MC VC
Works of Righteousness Weighed in the Judgment—1881—Ministers sometimes tell the people that they have nothing to do but believe; that Jesus has done it all, and their own works are nothing. But the Word of God plainly states that in the Judgment the scales will be balanced accurately, and the decisions will be based on the evidence adduced. (3SM 147.3) MC VC
One man becomes ruler of ten cities, another of five, another of two, each man receiving exactly in proportion to the improvement he has made on the talents entrusted to his keeping. Our efforts in works of righteousness, in our own behalf and for the salvation of souls, will have a decided influence on our recompense.—The Review and Herald, October 25, 1881. (3SM 147.4) MC VC