AH 247
(The Adventist Home 247)
In no other way can a mother help the church more than by devoting her time to those who are dependent upon her for instruction and training. (AH 247.1) MC VC
Aspirations for a Broader Mission Field Are Vain—Some mothers long to engage in missionary labor, while they neglect the simplest duties lying directly in their path. The children are neglected, the home is not made cheerful and happy for the family, scolding and complaining are of frequent occurrence, and the young people grow up feeling that home is the most uninviting of all places. As a consequence, they impatiently look forward to the time when they shall leave it, and it is with little reluctance that they launch out into the great world, unrestrained by home influence and the tender counsel of the hearthstone. (AH 247.2) MC VC
The parents, whose aim should have been to bind these young hearts to themselves and guide them aright, squander their God-given opportunities, are blind to the most important duties of their lives, and vainly aspire to work in the broad missionary field. (AH 247.3) MC VC