GW 13
(Gospel Workers 1915 13)
Section 1—Called With a Holy Calling (GW 13) MC VC
“Ye shall be named the Priests of the Lord: men shall call you the Ministers of our God.” Isaiah 61:6. (GW 13) MC VC
Chapter 1 — In Christ’s Stead VC
In every period of this earth’s history, God has had His men of opportunity, to whom He has said, “Ye are My witnesses.” Isaiah 43:10, 12. In every age there have been devout men, who gathered up the rays of light as they flashed upon their pathway, and who spoke to the people the words of God. Enoch, Noah, Moses, Daniel, and the long roll of patriarchs and prophets,—these were ministers of righteousness. They were not infallible; they were weak, erring men; but the Lord wrought through them as they gave themselves to His service. (GW 13.1) MC VC
Since His ascension, Christ the great Head of the church, has carried forward His work in the world by chosen ambassadors, through whom He speaks to the children of men, and ministers to their needs. The position of those who have been called of God to labor in word and doctrine for the upbuilding of His church, is one of grave responsibility. In Christ’s stead they are to beseech men and women to be reconciled to God; and they can fulfil their mission only as they receive wisdom and power from above. (GW 13.2) MC VC
God’s ministers are symbolized by the seven stars, which He who is the first and the last has under His special care and protection. The sweet influences that are to be abundant in the church are bound up with these ministers of God, who are to represent the love of Christ. The stars of heaven are under God’s control. He fills them with light. He guides and directs their movements. If He did not, they would become fallen stars. So with His ministers. They are but instruments in His hands, and all the good they accomplish is done through His power. (GW 13.3) MC VC