EW 93
(Early Writings 93)
6. On pages 48-52 is a view given January, 1850. That portion of this view which relates to means being withheld from the messengers, applied more particularly to that time. Since then, friends of the cause of present truth have been raised up, who have watched for opportunity to do good with their means. Some have handed out too freely, to the injury of the receivers. For about two years I have been shown more relative to a careless and too free use of the Lord’s money, than a lack of it. (EW 93.1) MC VC
The following is from a view given at Jackson, Michigan, June 2, 1853. It related mostly to the brethren at that place: “I saw that the brethren commenced to sacrifice their property and handed it out without having the true object set before them-the suffering cause-and they handed out too freely, too much, and too often. I saw that the teachers should have stood in a place to correct this error and exert a good influence in the church. Money has been made of little or no consequence, the sooner disposed of the better. A bad example has been set by some in accepting large donations and not giving the least caution to those who had means not to use it too freely and carelessly. By accepting so large an amount of means, without questioning whether God had made it the duty of the brethren to bestow so largely, too bountiful giving has been sanctioned.” (EW 93.2) MC VC
“Those who gave also erred, not being particular to inquire into the necessities of the case, whether there was actual need or not. Those who had means were thrown into great perplexity. One brother was much hurt by too much means being put into his hands. He did not study economy, but lived extravagantly, and in his travels laid out money here and there to no profit. He spread a wrong influence by making such free use of the Lord’s money, and would say in his own heart, and to others, ‘There is means enough in J—, more than can be used before the Lord comes.’ Some were very much injured by such a course and came into the truth with wrong views, not realizing that it was the Lord’s money they were using and not feeling the worth of it. Those poor souls who have just embraced the third angel’s message and have had such an example set before them will have much to learn to deny self and suffer for Christ’s sake. They will have to learn to give up ease, cease studying their convenience and comfort, and bear in mind the worth of souls. Those who feel the ‘woe’ upon them will not be for making great preparations to travel in ease and comfort. Some who have no calling have been encouraged into the field. Others have been affected by these things and have not felt the need of economy, of denying themselves, and putting into the treasury of the Lord. They would feel and say, ‘There are others who have means enough; they will give for the paper. I need not do anything. The paper will be supported without my help.’ (EW 93.3) MC VC