1T 520 See also Wages
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 520 See also Wages)
Brethren abroad, are you asleep to this matter? Must your hearts be made faint by the fall of another of God’s workmen, whom you love? These men are the property of the church. Will you suffer them to die under the burdens? I appeal to you to advise a different order of things. I pray God that the bitter experience that has come upon us may never be allowed to come to any one of the brethren in the office. Especially do I commend Brother C to your care. Shall he die for want of air, the vitalizing air of heaven? The course he is pursuing is really shortening his life. Through his confinement indoors his blood is becoming foul and sluggish, the liver is deranged, the action of the heart is not right. Unless he works a change for himself, nature will take the work into her own hands. She will make a grand attempt to relieve the system by expelling the impurities from the blood. She will summon all the vital powers to work, and the whole organism will be deranged, and all this may end in paralysis or apoplexy. If he should ever recover from this crisis, his loss of time would be great; but the probabilities of recovery are very small. If Brother C cannot be aroused, I advise you, brethren, who have an interest in the cause of present truth, to take him, as Luther was taken by his friends, and carry him away from his work. (1T 520.1) MC VC
Since writing the above, I learn that most of Thoughts on the Revelation, was written in the night, after the author’s day’s work was done. This was the course which my husband pursued; I protest against such suicide. The brethren whom I have mentioned, who are so closely confined in the office, would be serving the cause of God by attending meetings and taking periods of recreation. They would be preserving physical health and mental strength in the best condition to devote to the work. They should not be left to feel crippled because they are not earning wages. Their wages should go on and they be free. They are doing a great work. (1T 520.2) MC VC