CG 23-4
(Child Guidance 23-4)
John was the son of their old age, he was a child of miracle, and the parents might have reasoned that he had a special work to do for the Lord and the Lord would take care of him. But the parents did not thus reason; they moved to a retired place in the country, where their son would not be exposed to the temptations of city life, or induced to depart from the counsel and instruction which they as parents would give him. They acted their part in developing a character in the child that would in every way meet the purpose for which God had designed his life.... They sacredly fulfilled their obligation. (CG 23.1) MC VC
Regard Children as a Trust—Parents are to look upon their children as entrusted to them of God to be educated for the family above. Train them in the fear and love of God; for “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Proverbs 1:7. (CG 23.2) MC VC
Those who are loyal to God will represent Him in the home life. They will look upon the training of their children as a sacred work, entrusted to them by the Most High. (CG 23.3) MC VC
Parents to Qualify as Christian Teachers—The work of parents, which means so much, is greatly neglected. Awake, parents, from your spiritual slumber and understand that the very first teaching the child receives is to be given to him by you. You are to teach your little ones to know Christ. This work you must do before Satan sows his seeds in their hearts. Christ calls the children, and they are to be led to Him, educated in habits of industry, neatness, and order. This is the discipline Christ desires them to receive. (CG 23.4) MC VC
Sin will lie at the door of parents unless they take themselves in hand and qualify themselves to become wise, safe, Christian teachers. (CG 24.1) MC VC
Unity Between Parents Is Necessary—Husband and wife are to be closely united in their work in the home school. They are to be very tender and very guarded in their speech, lest they open a door of temptation through which Satan will enter to obtain victory after victory. They are to be kind and courteous to each other, acting in such a way that they can respect one another. Each is to help the other to bring into the home a pleasant, wholesome atmosphere. They should not differ in the presence of their children. Christian dignity is ever to be preserved. (CG 24.2) MC VC
The Special Instructor Given for Every Child—The mother must ever stand pre-eminent in this work of training the children; while grave and important duties rest upon the father, the mother, by almost constant association with her children, especially during their tender years, must always be their special instructor and companion. (CG 24.3) MC VC
An Education Broader Than Mere Instruction—Parents must learn the lesson of implicit obedience to God’s voice, which speaks to them out of His Word; and as they learn this lesson, they can teach their children respect and obedience in word and action. This is the work that should be carried on in the home. Those who do it will reach upward themselves, realizing that they must elevate their children. This education means much more than mere instruction. (CG 24.4) MC VC