3SM 129.1
(Selected Messages Book 3 129.1)
Christ was suffering as the members of the human family suffer under temptation; but it was not the will of God that he should exercise his divine power in his own behalf. Had he not stood as our representative, Christ’s innocence would have exempted Him from all this anguish, but it was because of his innocence that he felt so keenly the assaults of Satan. All the suffering which is the result of sin was poured into the bosom of the sinless Son of God. Satan was bruising the heel of Christ, but every pang endured by Christ, every grief, every disquietude, was fulfilling the great plan of man’s redemption. Every blow inflicted by the enemy was rebounding on himself. Christ was bruising the serpent’s head.—The Youth’s Instructor, December 21, 1899. (3SM 129.1) MC VC