2SM 17, 91, 345
(Selected Messages Book 2 17, 91, 345)
The end is near. The children of light are to work with earnest, persevering zeal to lead others to prepare for the great event before us, that they may be able to resist the enemy because they have allowed the Holy Spirit to work upon their hearts. New and strange things will continually arise to lead God’s people into false excitement, religious revivals, and curious developments. Let them keep advancing, with their eyes fixed alone upon the Light and Life of the world. Know that everything that is called light and truth in the Word of God is light and truth, an emanation from divine wisdom, not an imitation of Satan’s subtle arts. The light of God’s wisdom will be to every true, steadfast, contrite soul as a lamp to his feet.—Letter 45, 1899. (2SM 17.1) MC VC
Feeling Not to Master Judgment VC
With much that is truth there is mingled error that is accepted in its extreme meaning, and acted upon by persons of excitable temperament. Thus fanaticism will take the place of well-regulated, well-disciplined, heaven-ordained efforts to carry forward the work to its completion.... (2SM 17.2) MC VC
There is danger, not only that unbalanced minds will be led into fanaticism, but that designing persons will take advantage of this excitement to further their own selfish purposes.... (2SM 17.3) MC VC
I have a warning to give to our brethren, that they shall follow their Leader and not run ahead of Christ. Let there be no haphazard work in these times. Beware of making strong expressions which will lead unbalanced minds to think that they have wonderful light from God. The one who bears a message to the people from God must exercise perfect control. He should ever bear in mind that the path of presumption lies close beside the path of faith.... (2SM 17.4) MC VC
Once let impulse and emotion get the mastery over calm judgment, and there may be altogether too much speed, even in traveling a right road. He who travels too fast will find it perilous in more ways than one. It may not be long before he will branch off from the right road into a wrong path. (2SM 17.5) MC VC
I have a warning to give to our brethren, that they shall follow their Leader and not run ahead of Christ. Let there be no haphazard work in these times. Beware of making strong expressions which will lead unbalanced minds to think that they have wonderful light from God. The one who bears a message to the people from God must exercise perfect control. He should ever bear in mind that the path of presumption lies close beside the path of faith. In no case should he make use of extravagant expressions, for a certain class are sure to be affected, and influences are set in motion that can no more be controlled than can an impetuous horse. Once let impulse and emotion get the mastery over calm judgment, and there may be altogether too much speed, even in traveling a right road. He who travels too fast, will find it perilous in more ways than one. It may not be long before he will branch off from the right road into a wrong path. (2SM 91.1) MC VC
Not once should feeling be allowed to get the mastery over judgment. There is danger of excess in that which is lawful, and that which is not lawful will surely lead into false paths. If there is not careful, earnest, sensible work, solid as a rock, in the advancement of every idea and principle, and in every representation given, souls will be ruined.... The greatest care should be exercised concerning those who claim to receive revelations from God. There needs to be much close watching and much praying. Those who are acting a part in the great work for these last days need to counsel together in regard to every new thing that shall be introduced, for no one man’s mind is to be left to judge of, or to place before the public, important matters which have a relation to the cause of God.—Letter 6a, 1894. (2SM 91.2) MC VC
Chapter 43—Miraculous Healing VC
[The items appearing here are supplemental to the abundance of counsel on prayer for the sick. See the Ministry of Healing, pp. 225-233; Counsels on Health, 373-382; Medical Ministry, 195-196; also the 36-page pamphlet, “Guiding Principles in Prayer for the Sick.”—Compilers.] (2SM 345) MC VC
A Delicate Situation VC
In regard to the matter of prayer for the sick, many confusing ideas are advanced. One says, “He who has been prayed for must walk out in faith, giving God the glory, and making use of no remedies. If he is at a health institute he should leave it at once.” (2SM 345.1) MC VC
I know that these ideas are wrong, and that if accepted they would lead to many evils. (2SM 345.2) MC VC
On the other hand, I do not wish to say anything that might be interpreted to mean a lack of belief in the efficacy of prayer. (2SM 345.3) MC VC
The path of faith lies close beside the path of presumption. Satan is ever seeking to lead us into false paths. He sees that a misunderstanding of what constitutes faith will confuse and disappoint. He is pleased when he can persuade men and women to reason from false premises. (2SM 345.4) MC VC
I can pray for the sick only in one way—“Lord, if it be in accordance with Thy will, for Thy glory and the good of the one who is sick, heal the sufferer, we pray. Not our will, but Thine be done.” (2SM 345.5) MC VC