MM 53
(Medical Ministry 53)
The God-fearing, God-loving physician longs to reveal Jesus to the sin-sick soul and tell him how free, how complete, is the provision made by the sin-pardoning Redeemer. “His tender mercies are over all His works;” Psalm 145:9. but for humanity more ample provision is made, and the promise is full which points to Jesus as the Fountain opened for sin and uncleanness. What can make a heart so light, what can spread so much sunshine through the soul, as the sense of sins forgiven? The peace of Christ is life and health. (MM 53.1) MC VC
Then let the physician realize his accountability and improve his opportunities to reveal Christ as a forgiving Saviour. Let him have a high regard for souls and do all in his power to win them to Christ and the truth. May the Lord put His Spirit upon our physicians, and help them to work intelligently for the Master because they love Jesus and the souls for whom Christ died.— Manuscript 17, 1890. (MM 53.2) MC VC
For Further Study
The Christian Physician:
Counsels on Health, 321-386
(Testimonies for the Church 6:229-234;
Testimonies for the Church 4:566-569);
The Ministry of Healing, 111-124;
Testimonies for the Church 6:243-253.
Better Qualified Than Minister Who Merely Preaches:
Counsels on Health, 503, 504.
A Messenger of Mercy:
Counsels on Health, 351-354
(Testimonies for the Church 7:72-75).
Practical Results of Communion With God:
The Ministry of Healing, 511, 512.
Neglect of Religious Duties:
Counsels on Health, 362;
403, 404.
Moral and Intellectual Culture:
Counsels on Health, 257-260
(Testimonies for the Church 4:545-549).
Value of Trial, Danger of Self-Sufficiency:
Testimonies for the Church 8:123-132.
Habits of Temperance:
Counsels on Health, 321-32;
Testimonies for the Church 5:439-442).
Patience and Sympathy for the Undeserving:
Counsels on Health, 347-354
(Testimonies for the Church 3:178-184;
Testimonies for the Church 7:72-75).
To Be Firm, Yet Courteous and Tender:
Testimonies for the Church 3:170.
Duty of Truthfulness:
The Ministry of Healing, 245.
To Teach Causes of Disease:
Counsels on Health, 366.
Appropriate Promises for the Dying:
The Ministry of Healing, 121-124.
Divinely Helped in Operations:
Testimonies for the Church 8:187, 188.
Praising God for Recovery:
Counsels on Health, 334, 335;
The Ministry of Healing, 119.
No Place for Graduation:
Counsels on Health, 405 (Testimonies for the Church 4:554-562).