1MCP 15.0
(Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 1 15.0)
Right Excludes Wrong—Parents, you are the ones to decide whether the minds of your children shall be filled with ennobling thoughts or with vicious sentiments. You cannot keep their active minds unoccupied, neither can you frown away evil. Only by the inculcation of right principles can you exclude wrong thoughts. Unless parents plant the seeds of truth in the hearts of their children, the enemy will sow tares. Good, sound instruction is the only preventive of the evil communications that corrupt good manners. Truth will protect the soul from the endless temptations that must be encountered.—Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 121 (1913). (1MCP 15.1) MC VC
Only One Day Is Mine—Day by day we are all to be trained, disciplined, and educated for usefulness in this life. Only one day at a time—think of this. “One day is mine. I will in this one day do my best. I will use my talent of speech to be a blessing to some other one, a helper, a comforter, an example which the Lord my Saviour shall approve. I will exercise myself in patience, kindness, forbearance, that the Christian virtues may be developed in me today.” (1MCP 15.2) MC VC
Every morning dedicate yourself, soul, body, and spirit, to God. Establish habits of devotion and trust more and more in your Saviour. You may believe with all confidence that the Lord Jesus loves you and wishes you to grow up to His stature of character. He wishes you to grow in His love, to increase and strengthen in all the fullness of divine love. Then you will gain a knowledge of the highest value for time and for eternity.— Letter 36, 1901 (In Heavenly Places, 227.) (1MCP 15.3) MC VC