1T 529
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 529)
The husband who transfers his property to his wife opens for her a wide door of temptation, whether she is a believer or an unbeliever. If she is a believer and naturally penurious, inclined to selfishness and acquisitiveness, the battle will be much harder for her with her husband’s stewardship and her own to manage. In order to be saved, she must overcome all these peculiar, evil traits and imitate the character of her divine Lord, seeking opportunity to do others good, loving others as Christ has loved us. She should cultivate the precious gift of love possessed so largely by our Saviour. His life was characterized by noble, disinterested benevolence. His whole life was not marred by one selfish act. (1T 529.1) MC VC
Whatever the motives of the husband, he has placed a terrible stumbling block in his wife’s way to hinder her in the work of overcoming. And if the transfer be made to the children, the same evil results may follow. God reads his motives. If he is selfish and has made the transfer to conceal his covetousness and excuse himself from doing anything to advance the cause, the curse of Heaven will surely follow. God reads the purposes and intents of the heart, and tries the motives of the children of men. His signal, visible displeasure may not be manifested as in the case of Ananias and Sapphira, yet in the end the punishment will in no case be lighter than that which was inflicted upon them. In trying to deceive men, they were lying to God. “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” Ezekiel 18:4. (1T 529.2) MC VC