6T 258
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 6 258)
Such an appeal, made in the spirit of Christ, will not be thought impertinent. It will impress the minds of many in the higher classes. (6T 258.1) MC VC
By efforts put forth in wisdom and love, many a rich man may be awakened to a sense of his responsibility and his accountability to God. When it is made plain that the Lord expects them as His representatives to relieve suffering humanity, many will respond and will give of their means and their sympathy for the benefit of the poor. When their minds are thus drawn away from their own selfish interests, many will be led to surrender themselves to Christ. With their talents of influence and means they will gladly unite in the work of beneficence with the humble missionary who was God’s agent in their conversion. By a right use of their earthly treasure they will lay up “a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth.” Luke 12:33; Matthew 6:19. They will secure for themselves the treasure that wisdom offers, even “durable riches and righteousness.” Proverbs 8:18. (6T 258.2) MC VC
Through observing our lives, the people of the world form their opinion of God and of the religion of Christ. All who do not know Christ need to have the high, noble principles of His character kept constantly before them in the lives of those who do know Him. To meet this need, to carry the light of Christ’s love into the homes of the great and the lowly, the rich and the poor, is the high duty and precious privilege of the medical missionary. (6T 258.3) MC VC
“Ye are the salt of the earth,”(Matthew 5:13) Christ said to His disciples; and in these words He was speaking to His workers of today. If you are salt, saving properties are in you, and the virtue of your character will have a saving influence. (6T 258.4) MC VC