5T 302
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 5 302)
Chapter 32—Fidelity and Perseverance Needed VC
The state of the church in ----- is far from what it should be. Unless there is a decided change, it will wither and die. There is much faultfinding; many are giving way to doubt and unbelief. Those who talk faith and cultivate faith will have faith, but those who cherish and express doubts will have doubts. (5T 302.1) MC VC
There has been a neglect on the part of the ministers. They have not urged home to the hearts of their hearers the necessity of faithfulness. They have not educated the church on all points of truth and duty nor labored with zeal to bring them into working order and to get them interested in every branch of the cause of God. I have been shown that had the church been properly educated, they would have been far in advance of their present position. The neglect on the part of the ministers has made the people careless and unfaithful. They have not felt their individual responsibility, but have excused themselves on account of the failure of the ministers to do the work of a pastor. But God does not hold them excused. Had they no Bible, had they no warnings, reproofs, and entreaties from heaven to bring duty to their minds, there would be less condemnation. But the Lord has given counsel and instruction; the duty of each individual has been made so plain that he need make no mistake. (5T 302.2) MC VC