Ev 323
(Evangelism 323)
To Do a Thorough Work—There is danger that those who hold meetings in our cities will be satisfied with doing a surface work. Let the ministers and the presidents of our conferences arouse to the importance of doing a thorough work. Let them labor and plan with the thought in mind that time is nearly ended, and that because of this they must work with redoubled zeal and energy.—The Review and Herald, January 11, 1912. (Ev 323.1) MC VC
While we should be ever ready to follow the opening providence of God, we should lay no larger plans, occupy no more ground in branching out than there is help and means to bind off the work well and keep up and increase the interest already started. While there are larger plans and broader fields constantly opening for the laborers, there must be broader ideas, and broader views in regard to the workers who are to labor to bring souls into the truth.—Letter 34, 1886. (Ev 323.2) MC VC
Leave a Well-Bound Off Work—Churches are raised up and left to go down while new fields are being entered. Now these churches are raised up in much cost in labor and in means, and then neglected and allowed to ravel out. This is the way matters are going now.... (Ev 323.3) MC VC
While duties are suffering to be done right in our path, we should not reach out and long and sigh for work at a great distance.... God would not want you to leave so much work that you have planned, and started the people in upon, to be neglected, to run down, and be harder to bring up than if it had never been started.... (Ev 323.4) MC VC