MYP 189
(Messages to Young People 189)
Chapter 56—True Wisdom VC
Young men and young women may obtain the highest earthly education, and yet may be ignorant of the first principles that would make them subjects of the kingdom of God. Human learning cannot qualify any one for the heavenly kingdom. The subjects of Christ’s kingdom are not made thus by forms and ceremonies, or by long study of books. “This is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent.”(John 17:3) ... (MYP 189.1) MC VC
The Bible and Science VC
The Old and the New Testament Scriptures need to be studied daily. The knowledge of God and the wisdom of God come to the student who is a constant learner of His ways and works. The Bible is to be our light, our educator. When the youth learn to believe that God sends the dew, the rain, and the sunshine from heaven, causing vegetation to flourish; when they realize that all blessings come from Him, and that thanksgiving and praise are due to Him, they will be led to acknowledge God in all their ways, and discharge with fidelity their duties day by day; God will be in all their thoughts.... (MYP 189.2) MC VC
Many young men, in talking about science, are wise above that which is written; they seek to explain by something that meets their finite comprehension the ways and work of God; but it is all a miserable failure. True science and Inspiration are in perfect harmony. False science is something independent of God. It is pretentious ignorance. (MYP 189.3) MC VC