RC 142.6, 247.2
(Reflecting Christ 142.6, 247.2)
The use of intoxicating liquor dethrones reason, and hardens the heart against every pure and holy influence.... (RC 142.6) MC VC
We are in a world of sin and temptation, and youth are perishing out of Christ all around us, and He wants you to labor for the youth in every conceivable way that you can. If you have a house, and a pleasant home, then invite the youth that have no homes, invite the youth that are in need of help, that are in need of sympathy and kind words, courtesy, and respect. They want all this. If you want to bring them to Christ, you must show your love and respect for the purchase of His blood, the souls whom He has ransomed by the infinite cost of His own precious life, and is not that enough to lead us, as soon as we are a branch in the vine, to bear fruit? ... (RC 247.2) MC VC