2T 493
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 2 493)
You have not received and practiced the truth in its simplicity. You have, I fear, felt somewhat as though you were condescending to receive the unpopular truth as advocated by Sabbathkeeping Adventists. You have sought, to quite a degree, to retain the spirit of the world and yet adopt the truth. This cannot be. Christ will accept of nothing but the whole heart, the entire affections. The friendship of the world is enmity with God. When you desire to so live as to shun reproach, you are seeking a position above your suffering Lord; and while engaged in this, you are separating from your Father in heaven, exchanging His love for that which is not worth obtaining. (2T 493.1) MC VC
I have felt pressed in spirit in regard to you, my sister, and also your husband. As I have taken my pen to write, your cases have been clearly brought before me. I am fully aware of your dangers, of your state of perplexity and doubt. Everything has been unfavorable for you, Sister U, since you have sought to obey the law of God. But nothing has been as great a hindrance to you both as your pride. You are both fond of display; this has no part in good, humble religion. I saw that you both had a fiery ordeal to pass, that you would be tested and proved. In this conflict, Satan would strive hard to blind your eyes to your eternal interest, and would present the advantages of the present time, this little, short life which is so uncertain. You would see charms in this life, and unless you parted with your love of show and the favor of the world you could not retain the love of God. Jesus was presented to me, pointing to the charms of heaven, seeking to attract your eyes from the world, and saying: “Which will ye choose, Me, or the world? You cannot have Me and the love of the world, too. Will you sacrifice Him who died for you for the pride of life, for the treasures of the world? Choose between Me and the world; the world has no part in Me.” (2T 493.2) MC VC