CG 467
(Child Guidance 467)
The only safety for the youth in this age of pollution is to make God their trust. Without divine help they will be unable to control human passions and appetites. In Christ is the very help needed, but how few will come to Him for that help. Said Jesus when upon the earth, “Ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.” John 5:40. In Christ all can conquer. You can say with the apostle, “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” Romans 8:37. Again, “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection.” 1 Corinthians 9:27. (CG 467.1) MC VC
In Him True Pleasure May Be Found—The only sure safety for our children against every vicious practice is to seek to be admitted into the fold of Christ and to be taken under the watch care of the faithful and true Shepherd. He will save them from every evil, shield them from all dangers, if they will heed His voice. He says, “My sheep hear my voice, ... and they follow me.” John 10:27. In Christ they will find pasture, obtain strength and hope, and will not be troubled with restless longings for something to divert the mind and satisfy the heart. They have found the pearl of great price, and the mind is at peaceful rest. Their pleasures are of a pure, peaceful, elevated, heavenly character. They leave no painful reflections, no remorse. Such pleasures do not impair health or prostrate the mind, but are of a healthful nature. (CG 467.2) MC VC
Communion with and love for God, the practice of holiness, the destruction of sin, are all pleasant. The reading of God’s Word will not fascinate the imagination and inflame the passions, like a fictitious storybook, but softens, soothes, elevates, and sanctifies the heart. When in trouble, when assailed by fierce temptations, they have the privilege of prayer. What an exalted privilege! Finite beings, of dust and ashes, admitted through the mediation of Christ, into the audience chamber of the Most High. In such exercises the soul is brought into a sacred nearness with God and is renewed in knowledge and true holiness and fortified against the assaults of the enemy. (CG 467.3) MC VC