MM 328
(Medical Ministry 328)
Move With Understanding VC
Let those who contemplate the establishment of a sanitarium be subject to the molding and fashioning of the Spirit of God. Such men will not misrepresent Christ in the character building. Let all who are in positions of trust use the holy oil of grace in spirit, in word, and in action. Let them do thorough work in purifying the soul temple, that they may have an understanding of the work that they contemplate undertaking, and that they may be able to sow seeds of truth in many hearts. In one hand they are to carry the gospel for the relief of sin-burdened souls, and in the other hand they are to carry remedies for the relief of physical suffering. Thus they will be true medical missionaries for God.— Manuscript 41, 1902. (MM 328.1) MC VC
Fulfilling God’s Plans VC
I am instructed to tell our people that it will be necessary for them to give all that they can spare of their means for the establishment of sanitariums that will do the work which the Lord says must be done. These sanitariums are to be under the supervision of men who are controlled by the Holy Spirit, men who will carry out, not their own plans, but the plans of God.... (MM 328.2) MC VC
We are to cooperate with the Lord Jesus in the great work of presenting the truth for this time to the people of the world. We need health, we need fortitude; we need a pure, unadulterated faith in the gospel message. We need to study the book of Revelation, especially the important messages that are to be borne to our world. When, if not now, are these messages to be given? (MM 328.3) MC VC