CG 259
(Child Guidance 259)
Kindness to Be the Law of the Home—God’s method of government is an example of how children are to be trained. There is no oppression in the Lord’s service, and there is to be no oppression in the home or in the school. Yet neither parents nor teachers should allow disregard of their word to pass unnoticed. Should they neglect to correct the children for doing wrong, God would hold them accountable for their neglect. But let them be sparing of censure. Let kindness be the law of the home and of the school. Let the children be taught to keep the law of the Lord, and let a firm, loving influence restrain them from evil. (CG 259.1) MC VC
Have Consideration for Childish Ignorance—Fathers and mothers, in the home you are to represent God’s disposition. You are to require obedience, not with a storm of words, but in a kind, loving manner. You are to be so full of compassion that your children will be drawn to you. (CG 259.2) MC VC
Be pleasant in the home. Restrain every word that would arouse unholy temper. “Fathers, provoke not your children to wrath,”(Ephesians 6:4) is a divine injunction. Remember that your children are young in years and experience. In controlling and disciplining them, be firm, but kind. (CG 259.3) MC VC
Children do not always discern right from wrong, and when they do wrong, they are often treated harshly, instead of being kindly instructed. (CG 259.4) MC VC
No license is given in God’s Word for parental severity or oppression or for filial disobedience. The law of God, in the home life and in the government of nations, flows from a heart of infinite love. (CG 259.5) MC VC