2MCP 708.4
(Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2 708.4)
Allegiance to God Versus Allegiance to Men [See chapter 29, “Dependence and Independence.”]—You belong to God, soul, body, and spirit. Your mind belongs to God, and your talents belong to Him also. No one has a right to control another’s mind and judge for another, prescribing what is his duty. There are certain rights that belong to every individual in doing God’s service. No man has any more liberty to take these rights from us than to take life itself. God has given us freedom to think, and it is our privilege to follow our impressions of duty. We are only human beings, and one human being has no jurisdiction over the conscience of another human being Each one of us has an individuality and identity that cannot be surrendered to any other human being. We are individually the workmanship of God.—Lt 92, 1895. (2MCP 708.4) MC VC