SW 61.1
(The Southern Work 61.1)
When laws are enacted that bind the consciences of those whom God has made free, and men are cast into prison for exercising their religious liberty, many poor, timid, ignorant souls will be hindered from doing the will of God; but many will learn aright from Jesus Christ, and will maintain their God-given freedom at any cost. The colored people have been slow to learn what is their right in religious liberty, because of the attitude that men have assumed toward them. In many minds there is great confusion in regard to what is individual right. Men have exercised compelling power over the mind and judgment of the colored race. Satan is the originator of all oppression, and history shows a record of the terrible results of oppressive tortures that have been endured by men who are God’s property, both by creation and by redemption. Through human agencies, Satan has manifested his own attributes and passions; but every act of injustice, every fraudulent purpose, every pang of anguish, is written down in the books of heaven as done against Christ Jesus, who has purchased man at an infinite price. The manner in which men treat their fellow men is registered as done unto Christ; but those who have been faithful winners of souls will receive commendation, and will join in the song of those who rejoice, and shout the harvest home. How great will be the joy when the redeemed of the Lord will all meet together in the mansions prepared for them! What rejoicing will come to those who have been impartial, unselfish laborers together with God in winning souls to Christ! What satisfaction will fill the breast of every reaper when he hears the musical voice of Jesus saying, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant; ... Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord!” (SW 61.1) MC VC