LDE 141.2, 146.1
(Last Day Events 141.2, 146.1)
The adherents of truth are now called upon to choose between disregarding a plain requirement of God’s Word or forfeiting their liberty. If we yield the Word of God and accept human customs and traditions, we may still be permitted to live among men, to buy and sell, and have our rights respected. But if we maintain our loyalty to God it must be at the sacrifice of our rights among men, for the enemies of God’s law have leagued together to crush out independent judgment in matters of religious faith and control the consciences of men.... (LDE 141.2) MC VC
In cases where we are brought before the courts, we are to give up our rights, unless it brings us in collision with God. It is not our rights we are pleading for, but God’s right to our service.—Manuscript Releases 5:69 (1895). (LDE 146.1) MC VC