PM 133.2
(The Publishing Ministry 133.2)
This disposition to press men into hard places if you cannot bring them to your ideas is not according to God’s order. Those who do this when it suits them are bringing souls into unbelief and temptation, and driving them on Satan’s battlefield. They forget that God will deal with them as they deal with their fellow men. God’s cause is not to be molded by one man, or half a dozen men. All His responsible stewards are to bear a share in the devising, as well as in the execution, of the plans. Men must not forget that the God of heaven is a God of justice; with Him is no partiality, no hypocrisy. He will not serve with men’s selfishness, nor sanction their plans to rob one soul of his rights because they can press him inconsiderately, and make statements and plans that compel surrender, or leave him helpless.... (PM 133.2) MC VC