CS 44
(Counsels on Stewardship 44)
This work calls for self-sacrifice. Self-denial and the cross stand all along the way of life. “He that will come after Me,” Christ said, “let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23. Those who secure the treasures of this world are obliged to toil and sacrifice. Should those who are seeking for an eternal reward think that they need make no sacrifices?—The Review and Herald, January 31, 1907. (CS 44.1) MC VC
Wait Not for Appeals VC
Our people are not to wait for more appeals, but are to lay right hold of the work, making those things which appear impossibilities, possibilities. Let each one ask himself, Has not the Lord entrusted me with means for the advancement of His cause? ... (CS 44.2) MC VC
Let us be honest with the Lord. All the blessings that we enjoy come from Him; and if He has entrusted us with the talent of means, that we may help to do His work, shall we hold back? Shall we say, “No, Lord; my children would not be pleased, and therefore I shall venture to disobey God, burying His talent in the earth?” (CS 44.3) MC VC
There should be no delay. The cause of God demands your assistance. We ask you, as the Lord’s stewards, to put His means into circulation, to provide facilities by which many will have the opportunity of learning what is truth. (CS 44.4) MC VC