TSB 258.5
(Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce 258.5)
Christ’s Righteousness for Us—We cannot manufacture a righteousness for ourselves. Christ has in His hands the pure robes of righteousness, and He will put them upon us. He will speak sweet words of forgiveness and promise. He presents to our thirsty souls fountains of living water whereby we may be refreshed. He bids us come unto Him with all our burdens, all our griefs, and He says we shall find rest. Therefore, if we come to Him, we must believe that He speaks pardon, and we must show our faith by resting in His love. The heart is moved by all that is tender and pure and lofty—high ambition, holy joys, ennobling motives, endearing sympathies, and needful help. (TSB 258.5) MC VC