TMK 156.4
(That I May Know Him 156.4)
Christ never flattered any one. He never deceived or defrauded, never changed His course of straightforward uprightness to obtain favor or applause. He ever expressed the truth. The law of kindness was in His lips, and there was no guile in His mouth. Let the human agent compare his life with the life of Christ, and through the grace which Jesus imparts to those who make Him their personal Saviour, reach the standard of righteousness. Let him imitate the example of Him who lived out the law of Jehovah, who said, “I have kept my Father’s commandments” (John 15:10). Those who follow Christ will be continually looking into the perfect law of liberty, and through the grace given them by Christ, will fashion the character according to the divine requirements. (TMK 156.4) MC VC